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Under “Share Of Voice”, what does the General Trends refer to? Why can’t I view the conversation for General Trends?

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General trends can be found in the “Insights” section, under the “Share Of Voice” tab.
This chart allows you to see a comparison in volume overtime for your topic/s versus the general conversation trends in Singapore.
This is useful to help you measure how conversation volumes about your topic/s stack up against general conversation and if they are high enough to consider actioning. Especially in the case of tracking sensitive and crisis related events or even campaigns, which could indicate the need to move fast and take action on conversations.

Please note that the General conversations only reflect a sample of the total volume of conversations from the country of Singapore.
Please get in touch with your Account Manager if you would like to enable viewing additional countries for this section.
Please note that you will not be able to interact with any points of data in this “General Trends” chart as this data is for reference purposes only.

Other helpful links you may be interested in –
To learn more about the “Insights” section, click here.
To learn more about topics, click here.
